latest update – December 2022

// Action for CLUBS

The Sunshine Coast Photography Club (formerly The Caloundra Camera Group) is one of the oldest Clubs of its type in the region. It was incorporated in 1997 and is affiliated with the Photographic Society of Queensland. 

The club offers members a wide range of excursions, social activities and photography competitions in a supportive environment for all skill levels.

New members are always welcome regardless of photographic experience or equipment as we strive to encourage the development of photographic skills and knowledge so that we all may achieve and share a greater enjoyment of the art of photography.

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Inc.   
ABN 80 235 726 988

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Recent Posts Archives

Gympie Trip

Information about our trip to Gympie.

We will have a number of images to be made, at 12 different locations.

We will be in groups of four members, four in one car or in two cars up to you.

Each group will take 3 or 4 photos at each location, which they will submit for judging.

At each location a close up or macro photo is to be taken, a wide angle and a standard focal length of 50mm or 35mm, depending on your camera.

We will all meet at 10 am at a cafe yet to be decided, and then move out with instructions of the order of the locations to be photographed.

There are buildings (public and a church), a street, gardens and a skate park.

You will need to use you imagination to find the 3 different types of images.

We will have lunch with a break for an hour also at a location yet to be decided.

After lunch there will be four more locations to be photographed.

We will then meet at our finish location, where images will be up loaded on to the our club’s laptop.

That should be at about 3.30.

We have a good number of members indicate that they are going to Gympie on the 21st June, and we will love be more members join us, this is one of those occasions to learn from your fellow photographers.

The judges have not been appointed yet.

If after you have read this you would like to join in, please let me know.

by Gerry Gibson, June 1, 2020

Change to Monthly Meetings

Please note that until further notice, in response to the challenges presented by our present COVID 19 restrictions it has been necessary to make the following changes to monthly competitions.

All Club PRINT competitions have been suspended.

Digital Projected Image (DPI) Competitions will continue as scheduled, with one important change: Entries will be limited to ONE per category to ensure that judges are able to handle the additional work involved in the online response.

If you have already entered more than one image in future competitions could you please IMMEDIATELY remove the second image of your choice, to avoid your friendly webmaster having to make a decision on which one to enter, on your behalf?

It is our intention to reinstate competitions to their original form as soon as we are able to legally and practically do so.

Thank you for your support as we continue in our effort to keep our Club as active as possible in these strange times.

Gerry Gibson. President

by Gerry Gibson, April 21, 2020

April Competition Night

Tomorrow night we will be tuning in to Zoom for our Competition Night, Colleen will be putting together a table of virtual cakes, sponges, slices, biscuits etc Don’t miss it.

There will be an email coming your way tomorrow morning (Wednesday) will the log in instructions. The meeting will start at 7pm, but the Zoom will be on air at about 6.30 so you will be able to log in then to make sure it works for you. Once you see it it is quite straight forward. This is to be our competition night, Sue Gordon has done the judging for us, and all of the entries will be on your computer

by Gerry Gibson, April 7, 2020

Long Exposure Photography

Learn long exposure from those who have had the experience.

Meet at Point Cartwright at 5.15 on the 22nd of March, in the far car park.

From there we walk down onto the beach, there, there are rocks with the waves breaking over then. There will also be a chance to capture the sunrise if the clouds behave themselves.

The sun rises at 5.50 am, so we can be in position the witness that.

Breakfast will be at 7.30 am at One on La Balsa, giving us 2 hours to find the beautiful swirling water and photographing it.

Take Camera – Spare Battery – Tripod – Filters – Appropriate Clothing & Footwear

Ring me 0419 308 006 or place your name in the book at the next meeting.

by Gerry Gibson, February 29, 2020