latest update – December 2022

// Action for CLUBS

The Sunshine Coast Photography Club (formerly The Caloundra Camera Group) is one of the oldest Clubs of its type in the region. It was incorporated in 1997 and is affiliated with the Photographic Society of Queensland. 

The club offers members a wide range of excursions, social activities and photography competitions in a supportive environment for all skill levels.

New members are always welcome regardless of photographic experience or equipment as we strive to encourage the development of photographic skills and knowledge so that we all may achieve and share a greater enjoyment of the art of photography.

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Inc.   
ABN 80 235 726 988

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Recent Posts Archives

Coming or Going?

By this time next week, all being well, I will be on the other side of the world getting on with my other life. That means that the knobs and buttons that drive our competitions are going to be half a day away at least from being pushed if there’s a problem. It’s the 21st century and that’s OK from a technical perspective, but from the Club’s perspective it’s probably not fair to have a committee member who intends to remain absent for much of the year.

I’m happy to keep doing the necessary tech stuff, but it would be great if someone could hold up his or her hand to actually co-ordinate things while I’m not here in the future, and we really do need more than one person to be familiar with the runnings of the Club competition portal.

Please think about whether that person is you between now and next year’s AGM! The training is free, the coffee is strong, and the seat is warm (actually no, it’s not, but I’d warm it for the right person.)

While I’m on a roll; you may have noticed a certain lack of co-ordination with our share nights and events in recent months. Little things like the odd date mix-up or notices that perhaps could have gone out a little earlier?

That’s because we don’t have co-ordinators for either of those functions either. They aren’t terribly onerous positions, but filling even one of them would make things ever so much nicer for us all!

by Peter Hyndman, June 19, 2022

Looking for Something?

A couple of people have mentioned in passing that they have had trouble finding something they were looking for on our website. While it was nice to know they thought to look there, it wasn’t great to know they didn’t find what they were looking for!

I really love that feedback because without it I think all is well with the world, and do tend to rest on my laurels! There are some things that can’t be changed but if you think we can do better please let me know.

There are two reasonably reliable ways to find things – the obvious one is to use the SEARCH function which you’ll find just to the left of the main text. It’s not exactly Google, but it is pretty good at turning up things that have been sent out in notices, and it can be quite entertaining reading old stuff that bears no relation to what you are looking for. It does work well enough, but do check that you haven’t just downloaded a set subject list from 2018 when you were looking for next year’s.

The second is behind the secret “INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS” button. Just click on that and pretty much everything you need to know can be found there. If it’s not, let me know and I’ll add it.

Not everything is easy to find or logically filed, but that just makes it more fun than Wordle doesn’t it?

by Peter Hyndman, June 16, 2022



Next Wednesday’s guest speaker is Tammy Kowitz, the manager of Hinterland Bush Links, a visionary project to protect the plants and animals of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.

Tammy will be discussing the broader objectives of the Hinterland Bush Group as well as discussing mutual opportunities for media exposure for our members and for our Club.


In what is sure to be the first of a series of Share Night highlights aimed at us getting to know each other a little better, you really don’t want to miss our after-supper programme, when Annette will host a Q&A style interview with one of the retired, if not at all “retiring” members of our club community.


If all that wasn’t enough, Gerry will bring us the news, no doubt some date corrections and indeed if time permits a small audio-visual presentation and photography critique!

Hopefully we’ll see you in our clubrooms, on Wednesday 25th.

by Peter Hyndman, May 21, 2022

Touring the Kimberleys – SHARE NIGHT TONIGHT

If you’ve wondered about the communication hiatus of late, it’s partly due to our secretary Bruce being in two places at once but neither of them here!


Tonight’s share night will fill in all the gaps on where he’s been and how and why, and there might be one or two photos thrown in for good measure.

Yes, the notice is late, but it’s not too late to sling a tape in the VHS recorder so you can watch whatever it was you’d planned when you get home, and you won’t regret coming!

By the way – if you’d like to receive notices in a lot more usable timeframe, how about volunteering to co-ordinate share nights? It’s all a bit ad-hoc at the moment in the absence of an actual co-ordinator, and it would be nice to have someone ensuring things don’t fall through the cracks…

by Peter Hyndman, April 27, 2022

Those missing definitions!

I know how you are feeling! At long last here are the definitions for June (Climate Change) and August (People) set subjects.

Have fun!

PEOPLE (August)

A photograph of a person or people that can be close-up portrait, or whole/part body. The person/s in the photograph must be the focal subject however the image could also depict their environment or a broader scene. Can be candid or posed. Must be a live human being (manikins, statues, ornaments) will not be accepted.


Climate Change is considered a long term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional, and global climates. These changes have a broad range of observed effects that are synonymous with the term. Frequently used images fall into the “negative impact” category such as imagery depicting the most visible and disturbing impacts of climate change: extreme weather, historic droughts, temperature records, ice-free Arctic summers, rising seas, melting glaciers, coastal erosion, storm surges, forest fires, ruined crops, food riots, dried riverbeds, forced migration and refugees; etc. In contrast, photographers can consider “positive impact” images to shift the global climate change conversation from despair to optimism, from apathy to action and to celebrate the many opportunities such as economic, environmental and health which can be gained from transitioning to a clean energy economy. Creative photography such as Composites and Photo-manipulations are accepted in this category.

The definition for is:

by Peter Hyndman, April 27, 2022

The Missing Subjects

My apologies for what appears to be very late notice for a couple of subjects, but we have them now!

I’m away from many things including the internet until sometime late next week so I’ll update the set subjects list and our calendar (which is in need of a couple of corrections) on my return.

In the meantime please use a pen to fill in those gaps in your set subjects list!


AUGUST 10- Set Subject “PEOPLE”

These are both subjects set for the Tewantin Shield and Interclub competitions respectively and we have no further definitions to hand at the moment. Both seem to be fairly self explanitary.

I suspect a photograph of some volunteers knee deep in flood water while fighting a bushfire would be exactly on topic!

by Peter Hyndman, March 25, 2022

Friendship Day – With Gympie Camera Club

The first official Caloundra Camera Club outing for the year is set to go on Sunday March 13 at Wappa Dam. Join members of the Gympie Camera Club at Wappa Dam and Falls for a morning of photography and inter-club conviviality.

All the information you could possibly need is on the attached file, please download it now!

by Peter Hyndman, February 17, 2022

Photographic Society of Queensland Annual Conference

Print out the invitation and stick it on your fridge, or better still, BOOK NOW so you don’t miss out!

The PSQ conference is back, and it’s on in Redcliffe, which is about as handy as we could ever wish for, and it has a packed and varied programme for the entire three days.

It’s scheduled for the May long weekend, which this year happens to be in April as well – 30 April – 2 May!

Full details are on the attached flyer – please click to download!

BOOKINGS CAN BE MADE AT THIS WEBSITE and you can contact the organiser directly from that page.

by Peter Hyndman, February 11, 2022

It’ll be a real bummer…

If we have to zero out your scores tomorrow night because you haven’t paid your annual fees!

Yes that’s right, at least half of us have started off the year in a little more laid back fashion than our treasurer would prefer! If you haven’t paid your fees could you please do so tonight or during the course of the day tomorrow.


Which of course leads us into another reminder that we will be meeting tomorrow virtually via Zoom for our Competition Night at 7:00 PM. Gerry will have a link out via email at about 6:30 with the details.

If you have missed our previous notices about payment of fees, log into our website while you still can, hit the “INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS” link and all you need to know can be found under a heading which not accidentally reads “BANKING DETAILS – HOW TO PAY FEES”

by Peter Hyndman, February 8, 2022

Some Important updates!


In response to our State Government’s advices we will not be holding face-to face meetings in the month of February. This situation will hopefully not extend beyond then, but we will take further advice as it comes to hand.

Competition night will be held via Zoom and thanks to all print entrants who had a bit of a whirlwind ride at short notice, both print and DPI’s entries will be reviewed on the night.

More information on this and our proposed Share night activities will follow.


Thank you to almost half our members who actually paid their dues following our last notice. If (like me) you have not done so by the date of the competition night, no points will be awarded for your entries.

Please visit the “Information for Members” link on our website to find details of the amount owing and our banking information.


Our annual general meeting has been postponed until the March Share night, in the hope that we will be able to have an in person meeting by then.

Please note that the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Events Co-ordinator and Share night co-ordinator will need to be filled at that meeting, and we ask that you give some serious consideration as to how you may be able to assist in any of these roles.

by Peter Hyndman, January 28, 2022