It’s great to hear that some of you have started entering competitions already and we’re not even back at our meetings yet. Well done!

Here are 2 Australian competitions that we think are worth considering.

50th Warragul National Competition 2023
Entries Close: 15th March
Both print and digital entries including large format prints.
Digital: Open, Still life, Creative, Architecture, Animals & Wildlife
Print: Open Mono, Open Colour, Celebrations, Abstract, Portrait/People, Scapes, Social Documentary
Entry Fees are very reasonable.


Entries Open: 1st March
Entries Close: June 2023
This competition is run using the same software as our website, so would be a reasonably easy one for new competitors.
Topics: Open colour, Open mono, People/portrait, Scapes, PJ/Social Documentary, Aerial/drone.
Entry Fee: $20 for first section and $5 for additional sections.