Our Judge for the November digital image competitions, Jenny Graff, is the first judge from memory who has disqualified images from the ART competition, for not meeting the definition.

Our definition is Photography that moves beyond literal representation, and Jenny found images that she thought did not do this. From her point of view, any image that does demonstrate a move from the literal was acceptable. This included a line of MG’s that had the tail lights changed from red to blue.

This brings me to my point. To satisfy the definition, we need to demonstrate to the viewer that the image has been transformed, not just think to ourselves that we have done a transformation. In reality this can be quite simple, but it needs to demonstrate a transformation has been applied. And unfortunately it can rule out some good and very artistic images. So please make sure that you enter Art images according to the definition into the Art category, and anything else needs to be entered in the Open category.

And finally the idea of the Art category is to encourage members to to push their images and themselves beyond what we have been doing and feel comfortable with, and into new and unexplored territory.