Preparation for our Annual Awards Dinner is going splendidly behind the scenes. Chefs are a cheffing, judges are a judging, medals are being polished and numbers being suitably crunched.

You can assist in making the night a success by ensuring you have paid no later than Sunday 3rd December ($25.00 per head by bank transfer please), and making note of how and when to get there!

Where: Palmwoods Sundale Garden Village, 61 Jubilee Drive Palmwoods
When: Saturday 9th December commencing at 5:30pm

When you arrive, the Club House (outlined in red) is a few hundred metres straight up the driveway. Some parking is available around the hall itself, and visitor carparks which you are welcome to use, are scattered throughout the complex (outlined in yellow – examples only!) Car pooling would be a great way of assisting in keeping traffic to a dull roar on the night.