There’s a stack of repetition today!

1 – Competition Closing

Everyone will have been horrified to receive that email yesterday warning that the first competition for the year is closing shortly (tomorrow night actually).

Bruce had prepared a short overview of the subject for presentation at the last share night of the year. Thankfully it’s a simple subject but if you are like me, you still have time to review that document and get your entries together tomorrow afternoon!

You can see it on the website under the “INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS” link – where you’ll find it in “other documents” just below “Banking – HOW TO PAY FEES”, which brings me to my next point.

2. Annual Fees are Due shortly.

You will get a notice over the coming days, but it would be a shame if a little bit of bureaucratic oversight on our part caused you to miss out on the first round of competitions – be a dear and pay as soon as you can, it will make our life so much easier!

Which brings me to the next important announcement


We have an election coming up, and quite a few positions to fill. Some of those jobs (Convenors Events, Excursions and Share Night) could be shared. If you can take responsibility for one event this year, we’d all be grateful.

Please think about how you can help!