This page is supplied as a location for ALL of your clubs documents.

The simplest way to manage ‘static’ information such as Information about our club, Constitution, Competition Rules is to create a word processed document and store a PDF copy on the website.

You then provide links to this document wherever appropriate. This is much easier to edit and manage, as no website skills are required. Documents produced this way print better than web pages, and it also it allows you to have just one copy of the documents. Always use Adobe PDF on the website as they cannot be easily altered and are universally accessible.

Please keep your master Word documents in a safe accessible place. A club DropBox or similar multi-person access cloud service is a good idea.

Here is a suggested layout

Information your club

Information-about-your-club  This document is linked from the front page. Structure the document so that it will also work as a handout at your meetings for prospective members.

Club documents

Example link  . A short description of what the document is.
Example link  . A short description of what the document is.

Definitions and affillations

Competition category definitions  . A short description of what the document is.
Details about associtations your club belongs to  . A short description of what the document is.

Tutorial / Presentation and other supporting documents
Insert documents so that the most recent is at the top

Notes from training  . A short description of what the document is.