Everyone is invited to come along next Saturday 5th October for our sunrise/early morning photoshoot (depending on how early you are prepared to get out of bed!). First light is at 4.58 am and sunrise is at 5.22 am, but if you can’t make it that early, join us whenever you are ready! We are parking in Lower Neill Street, Dicky Beach – you can access the beach/rocks from there or you might even like to walk along towards Moffat Beach. Breakfast is on at Ken and Merrilinn Marchant’s home at 3 Jean Street, Dicky Beach afterwards – you are welcome to arrive there anytime from 6 am onwards, especially if the weather isn’t great – the coffee will be on and waiting for you!
If you didn’t put your name down for this event at Share Night last Wednesday and would like to attend, please email me (abryan@bigpond.net.au), so we have numbers for catering. Hope to see you there!