Come along to Share Night next Wednesday (26 May) to learn how to make your photos POP using a dynamic sky with a static foreground.

Phil’s Tyrer  interest in photography goes back over 40 years but over recent years he has been enjoying the challenges of low light photography.  He dosen’t own star trackers or telescopes so his photography is based around pushing DSLR cameras to the technical limit to extract as much information in the night sky as possible.  He really enjoys landscape photography which gets interesting when managing a dynamic night sky with a static foreground but says  it’s relatively easy to achieve great results once the fundamentals are understood.

He will provide information on preplanning, camera settings, technical challenges, tips and tricks and touch on post processing too.  He will also provide a handout which will be a  practical  point of reference when out in the field.  So come along and have a bit of fun and learn how to reach for the stars and make your night photography POP!