latest update – December 2022

// Action for CLUBS

The Sunshine Coast Photography Club (formerly The Caloundra Camera Group) is one of the oldest Clubs of its type in the region. It was incorporated in 1997 and is affiliated with the Photographic Society of Queensland. 

The club offers members a wide range of excursions, social activities and photography competitions in a supportive environment for all skill levels.

New members are always welcome regardless of photographic experience or equipment as we strive to encourage the development of photographic skills and knowledge so that we all may achieve and share a greater enjoyment of the art of photography.

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Inc.   
ABN 80 235 726 988

Sunshine Coast Photography Club Recent Posts Archives

Judging for the August Competitions

Our designated judge for August, Ken Chapman is sick and cannot judge the competitions.

At short notice, we have put a panel of five members in place to handle the judging for Wednesday’s competitions. The panel of five are: Lara Irvine, Gerry Gibson, Trevor Pedler, Rhonda Reynolds and Bruce Atkinson.

The digital competitions are currently being judged, and will be displayed as per usual on Wednesday night.

The prints will be impact judged by the panel, with the judges having a front row seat in front of the easel and scoring independently. The scrutineers will tally the scores, average them out, and designate the scoring out of 9. The Print Coordinator will be responsible for entering the scores on the score sheets, and announcing the results.

With over 50 prints, it means around a minute per print to go through this process, but we hope to be able to have brief comments by the judges while the scores are tallied for each print. This is a first using our MPC system so we are hoping for a smooth operation, and ask for tolerance if there are any unforseen issues.

by Keven Hyde, August 10, 2019