The February 2019 issue of Coastal Exposures is available for download. Click the blue “Newsletters” button on the home page or click the following link:

This is Nikki’s last Newsletter. Surely, all members will want to express their gratitude to Nikki for all the time and effort she has invested in producing a year’s worth of beautifully crafted and professionally edited newsletters. It is also noteworthy that she has again demonstrated her devotion to the club by volunteering to remain on the Committee in a General role in 2019.

Thanks Nikki!

Please note: There will be no further issues of Coastal Exposures if a member does not volunteer for the position of Newsletter Editor.

Now that a large percentage of club information is accessible directly on the MyPhotoClub website, newsletters can be greatly simplified. A few pages composed in a simple text document (e.g. Microsoft Word), with perhaps an occasional image inserted, will suffice to get the latest news out to our members. Now is the time to give just a little back to your club!