We have a new structure for our Club competitions for next year, starting in February. And we have a switch of Competition nights from the 4th to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

The competitions for 2019 are:

Set Subject A Grade Print (Colour or Mono)

Set Subject B Grade Print (Colour or Mono)

Open Subject A Grade Print (Colour or Mono)

Open Subject B Grade Print (Colour or Mono)

ART Combined A and B Grade Print (Colour or Mono)

Set Subject A Grade DPI (Colour or Mono)

Set Subject B Grade DPI (Colour or Mono)

Open Subject A Grade DPI (Colour or Mono)

Open Subject B Grade DPI (Colour or Mono)

ART Combined A and B Grade DPI (Colour or Mono)

The current set subject mono for prints and DPI’s is being replaced by the Art category.

This is to encourage more creative works from members, and hopefully this will include many monochrome entries.